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RocketDriver Pro


RocketDriver Pro is a game framework for Unity engine


1. When using the Event module, the event cannot be captured?

  1. Check that the dispatch and capture of confirmation events must be the same object.
  2. Check that the event was actually dispatched.

2. When using the Loader module, does the resource loading fail or report an error?

  1. Check whether the configuration file is generated and located in the Resources directory.
  2. Check whether LoaderManager is initialized, and whether the incoming name is the same as the configuration name.
  3. Check that the Operation Mode and Download Mode selected in the configuration file (LoaderSettings.asset) are correct.
  4. Check that the path in “ProjectBasePath” in the configuration is consistent with the project.
  5. Check whether LoaderManager has initialized the version.
  6. Check whether the path and file name are correct.
  7. Check whether a new coroutine is started in the coroutine. Unity has restrictions on the nesting level of coroutines.

3. When using the I18n module, the internationalized text is not displayed successfully?

  1. Check if the language is registered.
  2. Check that the fileset is registered.
  3. Check that the default language and default fileset are correct.
  4. Check whether the data has been loaded.
  5. Check that a custom loader is used and review the loader logic.

4. When using the Audio module, the playback is unsuccessful?

  1. Check whether the configuration file is generated and located in the Resources directory.
  2. Check whether AudioManager.prefab is placed in the scene.
  3. Check whether the bundleName and path are correct when registering audio information.
  4. Check whether the information is passed in correctly when the playback is called.
  5. Check that a custom loader is used and review the loader logic.

5. When using the Panel module, the panel fails to open?

  1. Check whether the relevant information is correctly registered in the PanelRegister.
  2. Check whether the key value in the information association is correct.

6. Can’t find your own service when using the Service module?

  1. Check whether the service instance is the implementation class of IService.
  2. Check whether the service instance has been registered.
  3. Check whether the service names are the same.

7. When using the RpgMaterial module, how to generate the data definition structure from the Excel table

  1. The default Excel export tool supported by RpgMaterial is ExcelExporter, which supports exporting Excel numerical tables and constant tables to various data files and structure definitions in multiple programming languages. And supports custom extensions.
  2. ExcelExporter is an open source project located at
  3. To achieve synchronization after export, it is recommended to use FileSync. FileSync is also an open source project located at

8. When executing a Lua script, what should I do if calling the C# function is invalid?

  1. Check if the function has been registered.
  2. Check whether the parameter type and return value type in the function are bool, string, or double. Currently, only these three types of parameters are supported. The return value can be void.
  3. Check whether the name used to call the C# function in the Lua script is consistent with the registered one, including the parameter type and quantity.