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RocketDriver Pro


RocketDriver Pro is a game framework for Unity engine

Getting Start


This User Manaul was designed to provide GaemDriver Pro users with a basic overview of the features and functionality of the tool.


  1. After downloading RocketDriver Pro from Unity’s Asset Store, go to: “Assets->Import Package->Custom Package…”.
  2. In the Import Assets window, find and select the RocketDriver Pro UnityPackage file.
  3. Once Unity appears in the Import Packages window, verify that Import is selected for all projects, then click the Import button at the bottom right of the window.
  4. All RocketDriver Pro files will be added to Assets/JLGames/RocketDriver.

You can also select the desired section to import.


If you want to quickly understand the important features in RocketDriver Pro, you can directly refer to the examples in JLGames/RocketDriver/Samples.

If you want to learn more about the design ideas and details of each functional module in RocketDriver Pro, you can find more information and FAQs in Online Help .

If you can’t find the information you’re looking for, please file an issue (or submit a pull request) to describe your experience.

Or contact the author: xuzhuoxi@gmail.com or mailxuzhuoxi@163.com


Source code storage locations in RocketDriver Pro are regular.

Functional Overview


The namespace is JLGames.RocketDriver.CSharp


The namespace is JLGames.RocketDriver.Actions


The namespace is JLGames.RocketDriver.Games

Common function modules

1.Event System(Event)

2.Loader System(Loader)

3.Internationalization System(i18n)

4.Net Manager(NetManager)

5.Audio Manager(AudioManager)

6.Panel Manager(PanelManager)

7.Service Framework(Service)

8.Rpg Material Data System(RpgMaterial)

9. Lua Interpreter